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Waverly High School FCCLA Program of Work strives to include these areas of development through local, state and national programs:
Personal Growth: Some examples of our FCCLA personal growth include completing Power of One modules, attending Peer Education Retreat, participating in STAR worknights, self-defense seminar (FACTS) and All for One Seminar (FACTS)
Leadership Development: Our chapter believes Leadership opportunities in are chapter are essential for future growth into adulthood. Some examples that our chapter participates in are Officer-Member Buddy System, Senior-Freshman mentoring (Stop the Violence), Fall Leadership Workship, State Leadership Conference, National leadership conference and running for chapter office, district office, state peer education team and state officer.
Recognition: We believe recognizing each individual is important for retention of members and team building. We recognize our members through the Wallflower Project (Stop the Violence), STAR events, Officer banquet and awards, member of the month, and care packages for members during finals week
Community Outreach: Helping our community is a large part of our program of work. We helped organize a Girls on the Run athletic event (Student Body), visited residents of our local nursing home (Leadership Service in Action), publisized FCCLA week (Families First), gathered food for the Nebraska State Program "Feed Nebraska" by organizing Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat food drive, babysit elementary children in our Mini Vike Nights (Families First), help at the local mission, Center for Peope in Need (Leadership Service in Action) and had statewide coverage of our Distracted Driving week (FACTS)
Social Activities: We love hanging out together and have an annual Holiday Party, Pumpkin Patch Family gathering, Ice Blocking recruiting event, and organize our big dance of the year, The Snowball Dance.
Fundraising: During the year we raise money by selling Christmas Greenery, work at our high school concession stand, sell cake balls to students and solicit donations from businesses and organizations.
Career Exploration: Some examples of exploring our future careers include STAR Events, job shadowing and Legislative Day at the Capitol.
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